Format Title Lecturers CP  
Seminar "Wohlstand für alle"? Wirtschaftswachstum und Wachstumskritik (in der Schweiz) seit 1945 Roman Rossfeld 3
Lecture with practical courses Advanced One Health Methods Jakob Zinsstag,
Nakul Chitnis,
Rea Tschopp
Lecture with practical courses Agroecological Farming: The Example of Organic Agriculture Else Bünemann-König 3
Lecture Alpine Ökologie Erika Hiltbrunner 1
Lecture Analytical chemistry of the atmosphere – quantifying climate change Daniel Häussinger,
Basilius Sauter,
Markus Kalberer,
Nicolas Bukowiecki
Bachelor Thesis in Corporate Finance and Sustainable Investing Yuna Heo 12
Bachelor Thesis in Energy and Climate Policy Aya Kachi,
Manuel Ebner
Bachelorarbeit in Public and Environmental Economics Beat Hintermann 12
Seminar Bauen, Wohnen, Überleben: Medien und Kulturtechniken ökologischer Existenzweisen Felix Lüttge 3
Field trip Biodiversität in der Kulturlandschaft Yvonne Willi,
Ursina Studer
Seminar Biogeochemie und globaler Wandel Franz Conen 2
Lecture with practical courses Climate change and health Martina Ragettli 1
Colloquium Climate Justice: Basel in the World 3
Studio Coloniality, Infrastucture and Ecology Kenny R. Cupers,
Maren Larsen,
Francesca Romana Dell'Aglio
Seminar Corruption and Development – Causes, Consequences and Approaches to Fight it Claudia Baez Camargo Lujambio,
Jacopo Costa,
Saba Kassa
Research seminar Current Research in Global Change Ecology Sabine Rumpf 1
Seminar Current Topics in Epidemiology and Public Health Jürg Utzinger,
Stefanie Knopp
Seminar Die Rolle der Landnutzung bei den Sustainable Development Goals Ruth Delzeit,
Florian Zabel
Block course Ecology and Conservation Biology Susanna Riedl,
Peter Stoll,
Stefanie von Fumetti,
Yvonne Willi,
Olivier Bachmann,
Oliver Heiri,
Fabian Rey,
Seraina Klopfstein,
Sabine Rumpf,
Maya Schrödl,
Christopher Johnson,
Jana Flury,
Sandra Camara,
Thomas Dorey,
Jonathan von Oppen,
Lionel Di Santo,
Sonja Wipf,
Laura Jiménez Liébanas
Lecture Ecology and Evolution Jan Beck 1
Colloquium Economics of Global Health Günther Fink 3
Lecture Einführung in die angewandte Nano-Wissenschaftsethik Roberto Andorno 3
Field trip Einführung in die Humanitäre Hilfe Tobias Hagmann Leupin 5
Lecture with practical courses Einführung in die Umweltökonomie und Wirtschaftsgeographie Alena Schmidt 3
Lecture with practical courses Einführung in terrestrische Biogeochemie Christine Alewell 1
Lecture Energy Economics Hannes Weigt 3
Lecture Environmental Economics Frank Christian Krysiak 3
Lecture Environmental Toxicology: Compounds, mechanisms, bioaccumulation, effects Petra Kunz 1
Lecture Environmental Toxicology: Effects on organisms and populations Verena Christen 1
Seminar Ethik in den Geo- und Umweltwissenschaften Bernice Simone Elger,
Johanna Eichinger
Seminar Europäischen Grundrechtsschutz: Klimaschutz vor Gericht Andreas Müller 10
Colloquium Fossile Moderne: Energieregime, Gesellschaftsstrukturen, Mentalitäten 3
Lecture with practical courses Geosciences for Urban Resource Management Jannis Epting 2
Lecture with practical courses Global Change Ecology Serena Abel 3
Lecture Globaler Klimawandel: Ein Überblick mit Fallstudien Markus Kalberer,
Stavros Stagakis,
Gian-Kasper Plattner
Seminar Governance, Sustainable Development and Democracy Charline Depoorter 3
Lecture with practical courses Grundlagen der Bioethik Bernice Simone Elger,
Michael Rost,
Aoife Milford
Lecture with practical courses Health impact assessment: concepts and case studies Mirko Winkler,
Astrid Knoblauch
Lecture Human Rights Litigation and Reparations in Practice 6
Seminar Inclusive Peacebuilding: Societal Participation in Conflict Prevention and Peace Processes Jamie Pring 3
Seminar Interdisciplinary Approach to Sustainability: Alternative Food Networks and Sustainable Agri-Food Systems Antonia Kaiser 3
Seminar Intergenerationelle Klimaethik. Ausgewählte Themen und Texte Christoph Rehmann-Sutter 2
Lecture International Trade, Resources and the Environment M. Scott Taylor 3
Lecture Introduction to Corporate Responsibility Georg von Schnurbein 3
Lecture Introduction to Energy Economics 2 Hannes Weigt 3
Lecture Introduction to Environmental Economics Frank Christian Krysiak,
Christian Nolde,
Benjamin Weggelaar
Colloquium Introduction to Ongoing MSD Master's Thesis Frank Christian Krysiak,
Janina Grabs
Theory seminar Klimawandel-/ Öko-Angst: Bestimmung des Konstruktes, Abgrenzungen zu pathologischen Ängsten, Bezug zu umweltbewusstem Verhalten und mögliche Therapieansätze Karina Wahl 3
Lecture Life in the Anthropocene Alexander Honold 2
Internship Messen und Experimentieren in der Physiogeographie Nikolaus J. Kuhn,
Juliane Krenz
Course Methods for Analyzing Changing Societies: Advanced Basil Bornemann,
Jamie Pring,
Katrin Sontag
Lecture Mikrofinanzökonomie: Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft Marina Markheim 3
Colloquium MSD Life Science 1
Seminar Nachhaltig Zusammen - Unser Dreiland. Wirtschaft und Verantwortung in einer grenzenlosen Welt Maarten J.F.M. Hoenen 3
Lecture Naturgefahren in der Schweiz Dominik Fleitmann,
Oliver Schilling
Main lecture Ökologie und Naturschutzbiologie Sabine Rumpf 2
Lecture with practical courses Perspectives of Economics on Sustainability Vera Calenbuhr 3
Lecture with practical courses Pestizideinträge in Ökosysteme - Wirkungen und Wirkungsmonitoring Ralf Peveling 2
Lecture Pflanzenschutz und nachhaltiger Pflanzenbau Dominik Klauser,
Pascale Flury
Seminar Positive Energy Districts: A New Way to Realize a just Energy Transition? Adam Hearn 3
Colloquium Presentation of Concepts of MSD Master's Thesis Frank Christian Krysiak,
Janina Grabs
Colloquium Presentation of Results of MSD Master’s Thesis Frank Christian Krysiak,
Janina Grabs
Master's project Psychologie der Nachhaltigkeit und Verhaltensänderung Nina Frings,
Zahra Rahmani
Lecture Public Economics Beat Hintermann 3
Course Qualitative Research in Sustainability Science Annika Sohre 3
Seminar Recent and Classic Research in Environmental Sciences Sarah Nemiah Ladd,
Floriane Guillevic
Colloquium Recht im Klimawandel Bijan Fateh-Moghadam 2
Course Research Design Master’s Thesis Frank Christian Krysiak,
Janina Grabs
Lecture Resource Economics Frank Christian Krysiak,
Raul Hochuli
Seminar Rethinking Planetary Well-Being from Africa Kenny R. Cupers,
Julia Tischler
Seminar States and Violence in Africa Martina Santschi,
Evelyn Dietsche
Lecture Sustainability and Worldviews Jens Köhrsen,
Rebeca Roysen,
Julius Malin,
Lasse Kos,
Adam Hearn,
Sana Iqbal
Seminar Sustainability Governance in International Value Chains Charline Depoorter 3
Seminar Sustainability in Banking and Finance Jacqueline Henn,
Paolo Vanini
Colloquium Sustainability Science Research (social dimension) Janina Grabs 1
Lecture with practical courses Sustainability: A new Societal Paradigm? 3
Main lecture with practical course System Erde: Mensch und Umwelt (Teil 2) Stefanie von Fumetti,
Nikolaus J. Kuhn,
Wolfgang Fister,
Oliver Heiri,
Markus Kalberer,
Nicolas Bukowiecki,
Ruth Delzeit
Lecture Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology and Sustainable Land Use Ansgar Kahmen 2
Seminar The BRICS Countries and Sustainability Manfred Max Bergman,
Ralph Weber,
Corey David Ross
Seminar The City After the Plantation Kenny R. Cupers 3
Course Theories for Understanding Changing Societies: Advanced Basil Bornemann,
Jamie Pring,
Katrin Sontag
Seminar Tools and Methods of Natural Sciences Research Priscilla Carrillo Barragan 3
Project Training for Sustainability Research Frank Christian Krysiak,
Philipp Hirsch,
Iljana Schubert,
Annika Sohre
Lecture Transitional Justice Nora Refaeil 6
Master's project Understanding Conspiracy Theories Belief: A Social Psychological Approach Natalia Bogatyreva 4
Seminar Urban Complexity: Asian and Rhineland Perspectives Jérémie Frédéric Descamps 3
Lecture Völkerrecht, Vertiefung (Internationales Asyl- und Migrationsrecht) Andreas Müller 6
Lecture Wirtschaft, Organisationen und Nachhaltigkeit Jörg Rieskamp,
Markus Schöbel,
Nina Frings